Boat Cleaning Tips
Many boat owners, wanting to keep their investment in tip-top
Shape, often ask “what is the best way to maintain my boat?”
The answer is so simple it’s almost a no brainier
1. After every trip, give your boat a good rub down avoid harsh
Cleaners and agents that could remove any protection that you have
On the boat.
2. Scrub in small portions rinse the deck, fitting ,hull and outboard
Motor using a biodegradable,PH marine soap and a deck brush
With medium stiffness bristles. It you use a brush with bristles
That are too stiff, it can harm the boats finish.
3. With a soft sponge and marine soap, wash in small areas, rinse,
The exterior and superstructure including vinyl seats, deck ,boxes,
Windshield, etc.
4. Thoroughly dry the boat with a soft ,dry cloth
5. Clean windows using a commercial solution or vinegar and water. c
Caution about vinegar and water if you used to take water spots out on
On the main body of the boat it can take off any wax or protectant
You may have on the gel coat.
6. Treat all vinyl wit ha commercial vinyl treatment to protect
And preserve your boats upholstery.
7. If you trailer your boat, don’t forget to scrub and rinse the trailer to.
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